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Centre for Misfolding Diseases

Research Associate


The inhibitory action of the chaperone BRICHOS against the α-Synuclein secondary nucleation pathway.
D Ghosh, F Torres, MM Schneider, D Ashkinadze, H Kadavath, Y Fleischmann, S Mergenthal, P Güntert, G Krainer, EA Andrzejewska, L Lin, J Wei, E Klotzsch, T Knowles, R Riek
– Nat Commun
Single-molecule digital sizing of proteins in solution
G Krainer, RPB Jacquat, MM Schneider, TJ Welsh, J Fan, QAE Peter, EA Andrzejewska, G Šneiderienė, MA Czekalska, H Ausserwoeger, L Chai, WE Arter, KL Saar, TW Herling, TM Franzmann, V Kosmoliaptsis, S Alberti, FU Hartl, SF Lee, TPJ Knowles
– Nat Commun
α-Synuclein oligomers form by secondary nucleation
CK Xu, G Meisl, EA Andrzejewska, G Krainer, AJ Dear, M Castellana-Cruz, S Turi, IA Edu, G Vivacqua, RPB Jacquat, WE Arter, MG Spillantini, M Vendruscolo, S Linse, TPJ Knowles
– Nat Commun
α‑Synuclein Oligomers Displace Monomeric α‑Synuclein from Lipid Membranes
G Šneiderienė, MA Czekalska, CK Xu, AK Jayaram, G Krainer, WE Arter, QAE Peter, M Castellana-Cruz, KL Saar, A Levin, T Mueller, S Fiedler, SRA Devenish, H Fiegler, JR Kumita, TPJ Knowles
– ACS Nano
Biomolecular condensates sustain pH gradients at equilibrium driven by charge neutralisation
H Ausserwöger, R Scrutton, T Sneideris, C Fischer, D Qian, E de Csilléry, K Saar, A Białek, M Oeller, G Krainer, T Franzmann, S Wittmann, J Iglesias-Artola, G Invernizzi, A Hyman, S Alberti, N Lorenzen, T Knowles
Targeting nucleic acid phase transitions as a mechanism of action for antimicrobial peptides.
T Sneideris, NA Erkamp, H Ausserwöger, KL Saar, TJ Welsh, D Qian, K Katsuya-Gaviria, MLLY Johncock, G Krainer, A Borodavka, TPJ Knowles
– Nature communications
An automated single-molecule FRET platform for high-content, multiwell plate screening of biomolecular conformations and dynamics
A Hartmann, K Sreenivasa, M Schenkel, N Chamachi, P Schake, G Krainer, M Schlierf
– Nat Commun
Single-molecule digital sizing of proteins in solution
G Krainer, RPB Jacquat, M Schneider, T Welsh, J Fan, Q Peter, E Andrzejewska, G Šneiderienė, M Czekalska, H Ausserwoeger, L Chai, W Arter, K Saar, T Herling, T Franzmann, V Kosmoliaptsis, S Alberti, F-U Hartl, S Lee, TPJ Knowles
Quantifying collective interactions in biomolecular phase separation
H Ausserwöger, D Qian, G Krainer, E de Csilléry, T Welsh, T Sneideris, T Franzmann, S Qamar, N Erkamp, J Nixon-Abell, M Kar, PS George-Hyslop, A Hyman, S Alberti, R Pappu, T Knowles
α-Synuclein oligomers form by secondary nucleation
C Xu, G Meisl, E Andrzejewska, G Krainer, A Dear, MC Cruz, S Turi, R Jacquat, W Arter, M Vendruscolo, S Linse, TPJ Knowles
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Postdoctoral researcher

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