Using a stable protein scaffold to display peptides that bind to alpha-synuclein fibrils
S Bismut, M Schneider, M Miyasaki, Y Feng, E Wilde, D Gunawardena, TPJ Knowles, G Kaminski Schierle, L Itzhaki, J Kumita
On the reversibility of amyloid fibril formation
T Pálmadóttir, J Getachew, L Ortigosa-Pascual, E Axell, J Wei, U Olsson, TPJ Knowles, S Linse
– Biophysics Reviews
Lipid-induced condensate formation from the Alzheimer's Aβ peptide triggers amyloid aggregation
G Šneiderienė, A González Díaz, SD Adhikari, J Wei, T Michaels, T Šneideris, S Linse, M Vendruscolo, K Garai, TPJ Knowles
– Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Transforming an ATP-dependent enzyme into a dissipative, self-assembling system
Y Li, J Zhu, Z Zhang, J Wei, F Wang, G Meisl, TPJ Knowles, EH Egelman, FA Tezcan
– Nature chemical biology
Detecting and Tracking β-Amyloid Oligomeric Forms and Dynamics In Vitro by a High-Sensitivity Fluorescent-Based Assay
Y Zhao, O Brener, E Andrzejewska, J Wei, C Reiß, O Tietz, TPJ Knowles, FI Aigbirhio
– ACS chemical neuroscience
Extracellular phase separation mediates storage and release of thyroglobulin in the thyroid follicular lumen
T Knowles, Y Yao, N Erkamp, T Sneideris, X Yang, R Scrutton, M Schneider, C Fischer, E Schoenmakers, N Schoenmakers
Assessment of fine-tuned large language models for real-world chemistry and material science applications
J Van Herck, MV Gil, KM Jablonka, A Abrudan, AS Anker, M Asgari, B Blaiszik, A Buffo, L Choudhury, C Corminboeuf, H Daglar, AM Elahi, IT Foster, S Garcia, M Garvin, G Godin, LL Good, J Gu, N Xiao Hu, X Jin, T Junkers, S Keskin, TPJ Knowles, R Laplaza, M Lessona, S Majumdar, H Mashhadimoslem, RD McIntosh, SM Moosavi, B Mouriño, F Nerli, C Pevida, N Poudineh, M Rajabi-Kochi, KL Saar, F Hooriabad Saboor, M Sagharichiha, KJ Schmidt, J Shi, E Simone, D Svatunek, M Taddei, I Tetko, D Tolnai, S Vahdatifar, J Whitmer, DCF Wieland, R Willumeit-Römer, A Züttel, B Smit
– Chem Sci
The inhibitory action of the chaperone BRICHOS against the α-Synuclein secondary nucleation pathway
D Ghosh, F Torres, MM Schneider, D Ashkinadze, H Kadavath, Y Fleischmann, S Mergenthal, P Güntert, G Krainer, EA Andrzejewska, L Lin, J Wei, E Klotzsch, T Knowles, R Riek
– Nature communications
Dynamically arrested condensate fusion creates complex structures with varying material properties
N Erkamp, I Sanchez-Burgos, A Zhou, T Krug, S Qamar, T Sneideris, E Zhang, K Nakajima, A Chen, R Collepardo-Guevara, J van Hest, P St George-Hyslop, D Weitz, J Espinosa, T Knowles
Global kinetic model of lipid-induced α-synuclein aggregation and its inhibition by small molecules
A Stevenson, R Staats, A Dear, D Voderholzer, G Meisl, R Guido, C Galvagnion, A Buell, TPJ Knowles, M Vendruscolo, TCT Michaels