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Centre for Misfolding Diseases


Effects of system complexity on protein aggregation in neurodegeneration
M Sanguanini
Reduced proteasome activity in the aging brain results in ribosome stoichiometry loss and aggregation
E Kelmer Sacramento, JM Kirkpatrick, M Mazzetto, M Baumgart, A Bartolome, S Di Sanzo, C Caterino, M Sanguanini, N Papaevgeniou, M Lefaki, D Childs, S Bagnoli, E Terzibasi Tozzini, D Di Fraia, N Romanov, PH Sudmant, W Huber, N Chondrogianni, M Vendruscolo, A Cellerino, A Ori
– Molecular systems biology
Complexity in Lipid Membrane Composition Induces Resilience to Aβ42 Aggregation
M Sanguanini, KN Baumann, S Preet, S Chia, J Habchi, TPJ Knowles, M Vendruscolo
– ACS Chem Neurosci
A continuous model of physiological prion aggregation suggests a role for Orb2 in gating long-term synaptic information.
M Sanguanini, A Cattaneo
– R Soc Open Sci
Transcriptome Analysis
A Cellerino, M Sanguanini
Cholesterol catalyses Aβ42 aggregation through a heterogeneous nucleation pathway in the presence of lipid membranes
J Habchi, S Chia, C Galvagnion, TCT Michaels, MMJ Bellaiche, FS Ruggeri, M Sanguanini, I Idini, JR Kumita, E Sparr, S Linse, CM Dobson, TPJ Knowles, M Vendruscolo
– Nat Chem

Postgraduate student

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01223 748844